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H&R Tapered Seat Bolts M12 x 1.5 - Set of 4 bolts 22mm - 60mm

Tapered Seat Bolts 12 x 1.5 - Set of 4 bolts (1 wheels worth) Please select length below!
Pricing: $14.95

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Longer bolts are required to accomodate the wider wheel spacer. Listed above, each size wheel spacer has a suggested bolt length which can be found below. A great rule of thumb is M12 bolts should turn in 6.5 revolutions and 7.5 for M14 bolts.

H&R's lengthened spacer bolts necessary for spacers over 5mm in width.

Recommended bolt size:

8mm spacers=35mm bolts, 10mm spacers=37mm bolts, 12mm spacers=39mm bolts, 15mm spacers=42mm bolts, 20mm spacers=47mm bolts.


Shipping Information

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  • 0.5 lbs.

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